Mobile Dog Grooming Salon – Doggy Parlour – Sunninghill

Mobile Dog Grooming Salon – Doggy Parlour – Sunninghill

Are you looking for a trusted dog parlour in Sunninghill? HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon will groom your dogs right in the comfort of your own driveway! That means no more driving to the doggy parlour, or searching for one you can trust your four-legged family members with, we will come right to your home.

HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon is becoming the dog parlour of choice in many Johannesburg areas! Find out when this trusted dog grooming salon will be in your area to book your dog’s appointment. Contact HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon today for more information about this doggy parlour in Sunninghill.

Mobile dog grooming salon Glenferness

Why HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon is the preferred doggy salon in Sunninghill

So what makes HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon the best doggy salon in Sunninghill and many other Johannesburg areas? Our team of dog groomers are experienced in grooming dogs of all shapes, sizes and breeds, and needless to say – they absolutely love dogs. Your dog will be in good hands when groomed by our professional groomers at this mobile doggy parlour in your Sunninghill location. Now that you know you can trust our doggy parlour in Johannesburg, find out how convenient it is to make use of our services:

The convenient choice of dog parlours in Sunninghill – HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon

HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon in Sunninghill truly is a convenient alternative when it comes to grooming your dogs. Our mobile unit will park right in your driveway, and is equipped with all the dog grooming necessities. We will only need access to an electricity point, a clean towel, and access to an outdoor tap for fresh water.

Your dog will receive a luxurious warm shampoo as well as a doggy massage. We include everything from ear cleaning to nail clipping when it comes to your dog’s grooming needs. Read through our dog grooming packages available on our website to decide which package will be most suitable for your dog.

No more driving to the doggy parlour in Sunninghill or long waiting periods. Make use of this convenient choice of doggy parlours and get your dog looking and feeling great!

Contact the trusted dog grooming salon in Sunninghill

Make an appointment for your dog with HotDogs Mobile Dog Grooming Salon – the preferred choice of doggy parlours in Sunninghill! We travel throughout selected Johannesburg areas in our mobile doggy parlour, keeping our furry clients looking and smelling great!

Contact the convenient and efficient dog parlour in Sunninghill to book your dog’s grooming appointment today.

Some of our happy customers:

Mobile Doggy Salon in Rivonia & KyalamiMobile Doggy Salon in Rivonia & KyalamiMobile Doggy Salon in Rivonia & KyalamiMobile Doggy Salon in Rivonia & KyalamiMobile Doggy Salon in Rivonia & KyalamiMobile Doggy Salon in Rivonia & Kyalami

Mobile Dog Grooming Salon – Doggy Parlour – Sunninghill
Mobile Dog Grooming Salon – Doggy Parlour – Sunninghill
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Afghan Hound | Boerboel | Bullmastiff | Great Dane | Mastiff, Napolitan | Mastiff, Pyrenean | Mountain Dog, Pyrenean | Newfoundland | Rottweiler | Saint Bernard | Schnauzer, Giant | Wolfhound, Irish | Cross Extra Large Long Hair | Cross Extra Large Short Hair


Alsatian | Bouvier des Flandres | Boxer | Chow Chow | Collie, Rough | German Shepherd | Goldendoodle | Husky | Labradoodle | Labrador | Malamute, Alaskan | Malinois, Belgian | Pinscher, Doberman | Pointer | Pointer, English | Pointer, German | Poodle, Standard French | Retriever, Golden | Rhodesian Ridgeback | Setter, English | Setter, Irish | Sheepdog, Old English | Shepherd, Belgian | Shepherd, White Swiss | Terrier, Airedale | Terrier, Black Russian | Weimaraner | Cross Large Long Hair | Cross Large Short Hair


Africanis | Basset Hound | Bulldog, British | Bully, American | Collie (Smooth) | Collie, Bearded | Collie, Border | Dalmatian | Greyhound | Pit Bull Terrier, American | Samoyed | Schnauzer, Miniature | Shar Pei | Shar Pei (Long hair) | Shepherd, Australian | Shepherd, Australian, Minature | Spaniel, Cocker | Spaniel, English Springer | Spaniel, King Charles Cavalier | Staffordshire Terrier | Terrier, Bull | Terrier, Irish | Terrier, Scottish | Vizsla | Whippet | Cross Medium Long Hair | Cross Medium Short Hair


Beagle | Bichon Frise | Bulldog, French | Chihuahua | Corgi, Welsh | Dachshund | Dachshund (Long hair) | Fox Terrier | Fox Terrier (Wire hair) | Havanese | Jack Russell | Jack Russell (Wire hair) | Lhaso Apso | Maltese | Morkie | Papillon | Pekingese | Pinscher, Minature | Pomeranian | Poodle, Miniature | Poodle, Toy French | Pug | Shiba Inu | Shih Tzu | Terrier, Biewer | Terrier, Boston | Terrier, West Highland | Terrier, Wheaten | Terrier, Yorkshire | Cross Small Long Hair | Cross Small short Hair